Sunday, July 24, 2011

खेमनाथ दाहालसँग अर्जुन प्रधान

इतिहास मर्दैन, जनजनमा लोकप्रिय भए हंगामा मच्चाइरहन्छ । स्वाभिमानको खोजीमा लडेका, मरेका ज्ञातअज्ञात शहीद र पुर्खाका पौरखी पाइलालाई नयाँ पुस्ताले विशाल पूस्तककारूपमा अध्ययन गरी अघि परिवर्तनशील पाइला चाली रहन्छ । इतिहासभित्र पनि देखाउने र चबाउने गरी दुइटा दाँत हुन्छन् । जस्तै हात्ती हाम्रो साथी भनेको जस्तै गरी ।
कवि दाहाल
राज्य एकीकरणको बेला नेपालले टिस्टा-कांगड़ादेखि मेची-महाकालीसम्म, भारतले सिक्किम, दार्जीलिङ हुँदै मेची-महाकालीका धेरै प्रान्तमा भएका दशगजा जबरजस्ती घोषणा गरेको छ । भूटानले चार किल्लादेखि चार सीमा मिचाउँदै कहीले भारतलाई त कहीले चाइनालाई अनि कहीले बंग्लादेशलाई विभिन्न दस्तावेजमा हस्ताक्षर गरी आफू निकासको सुलिमा रही अरुलाई विकासमा पु-याई सलाम चढ़ाएको छ ।
दशगजाको रक्षा र देश–जनताको सुनिश्चित भविष्यको निम्ति साना ठूला देशहरुले भेटवार्तापछि नारा जुलुसका साथ ठुल–ठुला युद्धपछि विकल्पमा निस्केको भयवादसगँको सन्धि हस्ताक्षर प्रकरणहरुले लुकाएका बुँदाहरुलाई २१औं शप्ताब्दीका पुस्ताका युवाहरुले आफ्नो ठाँउबाट वकालतको विषयमा अभ्यास गरी जनताको साहस बटुलेका छन् र निरन्तरताको अभियानमा छन् ।
काँचो–आलो रगतद्वारा निर्मित नेपाल-बेलायत सुगौली सन्धि, ब्रिटीश एन्ग्लो वार, सिक्किमको तितालिया सन्धि, टि इस्टेट सन्धि, दार्जीलिङ एकीकरणको सन्धि अनि पछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमाथि जबरजस्ती सन्धि, सिक्किममाथि भारतीय हस्तक्षेपको प्रकरणबाट निस्केको विकल्पको सन्धि आदि २१औं शब्तादीसम्म आइपुग्दा पनि छलकपट गर्न खोजी आफैंले आफैंलाई विस्तारवादपछि एकात्मतावादी साम्राज्यवादको दाउपेच लाउन खोजेको आज प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।
गोर्खालीहरुको वीरतालाई प्रयोग गरी विश्वमा खुल्ला हात हल्लाउने विस्तारवाद राज्य, गोर्खालीहरुको चार सीमाका आवाजलाई बुलन्द हुनबाट रोक्न चलखेल १९१४ देखि १९५० सम्म अनि वर्तमान स्थितिसम्म निरन्तर अभ्यासमा पाइला चालीरहेको छ रात, दिन र वर्षयताका प्रचण्ड घामहरुबीच, हावाहुरीबीच कहिले लुकेर खेल्छ त कहिले मैदानमा दस्ताहरुसगँ बुटबजारेर ।

Sunday, July 17, 2011

उठाउछौं झण्डा देशमा

अर्जुन प्रधान
मिनिसोटा, अमेरिका
गगनचुम्बी भवनहरूबीच व्यस्त सवारी साधन गुड्ने सड़क अनि विभिन्न वर्ण र पहिरनका मानवजाति । देश अनेक तर बोली, लवज भिन्न भए पनि भाषा एक अनि स्पष्ट । मठ-मन्दिर, गुम्बज, चर्च र मस्जिद अनि चाहेअनुसारको स्वतन्त्रता ! अहोरात्र मेहनत गर्नेहरूको मात्र गाँस, बास, कपास अनि आनन्दको सास-प्रस्वास ।
अचम्म ! एक रंगीन संसारको रंगीन पानामा मानव रंग पनि कोरिनुपर्ने, त्यसमा पनि आधा दुःख त आधा सुख भएर । ओल्टे कोल्टे भएर समय र प्ररिस्थितिसँग चिनजान गरी असल मान्छे हुनुपर्ने । ‘खुइ…कस्तो जिन्दगानी’, भन्नेहरु धेरै छन् । सुखले आनन्दित भएर जीइसक्नेहरू पनि अन्तमा जिन्दगीलाई धारे हात पारी मट्टिलाई सलाम चढाउने लगभग सबै हुन्छन् भने पनि हुन्छ ! किनकि मर्न कसैलाई इच्छा छैन यो संसारमा ! तर, यो पनि असत्य साबित भएको छ आज ! कोही मान्छेहरू अमूल्य जीवन फाल्न हतारिएका पनि छन् ।

Friday, July 8, 2011

Medical Examiner: Three Bhutanese men died of accidental drowning

Follow- Up
The Spokane County Medical Examiner's Office has confirmed the identification of the three individuals who were found in the vehicle in the Spokane River.  The bodies were found in a car near the intersection of Boone and Hogan on July 6.
The Medical Examiner said Krishna Dhital, Krishna Dhakal, and Dilli Ram Bhattarai died of accidental drowning in a submerged motor vehicle.
Investigators searched around the river since the men went missing.  It was only Wednesday, with the water four feet lower than a month ago, that they were able to catch a break in the case.  A car bumper and license plate were found along the river bank.
It is directly across from where the youngest victim lived in an apartment complex that prompted the helicopter search.  There are also indications that the car hit some rocks which lead police to believe it entered at high speeds.
"There was so much trauma to not only the bodies, but the car," said Spokane Police Officer Jennifer DeRuwe.
Investigators believe the car headed north towards Riverton Avenue.  They believe it hit some gravel along the road and entered the water near Sinto Avenue.  The current then took the car downstream where it sat underwater for almost a month.

Posted on July 8, 2011 at 3:58 PM
Updated today at 4:00 PM

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Investigators: No evidence of foul play in deaths of three men

The Spokane Medical Examiner performed autopsies Thursday on three bodies pulled from a submerged car found in the Spokane River.  Authorities think they are those of three missing Bhutanese refugees.  At this point, there is no evidence of foul play.
Investigators have searched around the river since the men went missing.  It was only Wednesday, with the water four feet lower than a month ago, that they were able to catch a break in the missing persons case.  A car bumper and license plate were found along the river bank.
It is directly across from where the youngest victim lived in an apartment complex that prompted the helicopter search.  There are also indications that the car hit some rocks which lead police to believe it entered at high speeds. 
"There was so much trauma to not only the bodies, but the car," said Spokane Police Officer Jennifer DeRuwe.
Investigators believe the car headed north towards Riverton Avenue.  They believe it hit some gravel along the road and entered the water near Sinto Avenue.  The current then took the car downstream where it sat underwater for almost a month. 
Crews removed the car at Boone Avenue.  Inside the car is a piece of evidence investigators said may have contributed to the crash.
"When we recovered the vehicle, we did find a beer can inside," said DeRuwe.
Autopsies are still underway because of the amount of time spent underwater.  Investigators are unsure how compromised toxicology reports will be.  They do believe speed and alcohol may have factored into the crash.
Posted on July 7, 2011 at 5:24 PM
Updated today at 5:43 PM

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Missing vehicle, three bumpers found in Spokane River (Breaking News)

Reports coming from various local media confirmed that police have found the missing vehicle and at least three bumpers in the submerged condition in the Spokane River.

The missing faces.
Spokane Police confirmed the number plate of the missing vehicle to the online edition ofKHQ.
“Authorities tell KHQ that the plates match that of a vehicle that was reported missing in June linked to three Bhutanese refugees,” said the report.
Authorities are unsure if those bumpers belongs to the vehicle in the water, added it.
There has been a fear that all three youths missing since June 11 from Washington have been dead. However, our reporter in WA and families of missing youths are yet to confirm the casualty.
Tanka Dhital from WA, who was heading towards the site following a call from police, was 100 miles away from the mishap area at the time of filing this report. “I am with the family members of missing youths and will reach the spot in some 90 minutes,” he told Bhutan News Service over phone.
According to Dhital, confirmation about the dead bodies would only be possible after the DNA-test.
The extensive search operation to find the missing youth – Krishna L Dhital (21), Dilli Ram Bhattarai (28) and Krishna Dhakal (17) – resettled in Washington have been underway.